Background of the Study
Accountability in tax revenue usage is a cornerstone of good governance, ensuring that collected funds are spent transparently and effectively for the benefit of the community. In Dekina LGA, accountability in the usage of tax revenue has been a matter of public concern, with frequent calls for greater transparency and inclusiveness in decision-making.
The role of local governments in promoting accountability is crucial for building public trust and improving service delivery. This study explores the level of accountability in tax revenue usage in Dekina LGA, focusing on its implications for governance and community development.
Statement of the Problem
Despite the importance of accountability, instances of mismanagement and poor reporting on tax revenue usage persist in Dekina LGA. These issues undermine public confidence and hinder developmental progress, necessitating an investigation into the factors affecting accountability.
Aim and Objectives of the Study
To evaluate the level of accountability in tax revenue usage in Dekina LGA.
To identify factors affecting accountability in tax revenue usage.
To propose strategies for enhancing accountability in tax revenue management.
Research Questions
What is the level of accountability in tax revenue usage in Dekina LGA?
What factors affect accountability in tax revenue usage?
What strategies can enhance accountability in tax revenue management?
Research Hypotheses
Accountability in tax revenue usage is not significantly practiced in Dekina LGA.
Factors affecting accountability do not significantly influence tax revenue usage.
Proposed strategies do not significantly enhance accountability in tax revenue management.
Significance of the Study
The study contributes to the understanding of local government accountability in tax revenue usage, offering recommendations to enhance governance and public trust in Dekina LGA.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study focuses on accountability in tax revenue usage in Dekina LGA. Limitations include access to financial records and variability in stakeholder perspectives.
Definition of Terms
Accountability: The obligation to report, explain, and be answerable for the use of tax revenue.
Tax Revenue Usage: The application of collected taxes for developmental projects and services.
Local Government: The administrative body responsible for governance at the local level.
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